February 8, 2021
This is a thinner version of nam prik noom than customary. Refer to Nacho Commandment no. 3.
Goal: a spicy green chili salsa in the Thai style
Yield: about 2 cups
5-6 long green chili peppers
6 garlic cloves
4 small or 2 large shallots
2 teaspoons lime juice
1/2 teaspoon palm sugar (white sugar or brown are fine substitutes here)
3 sprigs cilantro
2 tablespoons Thai fish sauce
Char the chilis, garlic and shallots in a hot cast iron pan or comal until blackened on all sides. Remove and let cool for 5 minutes, then slip off the skins.
Pound the chilis, shallots, and garlic in a mortar until fairly smooth. Add the fish sauce, sugar, lime juice, and pound a couple more times. Scrape into a bowl and thin with water until pourable. Taste and adjust the salt.